Academic Requirements
Eligibility for participation in any co-curricular, athletic activity or club is determined at the time report cards are issued. For the first three (3) report cards issued in November, January, and April, students’ eligibility status is based upon their QUARTER GRADES and CREDIT EARNED according to the following table:
# Of Passing
Grades (with Credit) Status Review
0, 1 Ineligible Next Report Card
2 Ineligible Next Progress Report*
3, 4 Eligible NA
*The student must take the initiative to submit a copy of his/her Progress Report to the principal for review of eligibility status.
Please note: Semester final grades issued in January have no bearing on eligibility.
Upon issuance of the final report card in June, the FINAL GRADES and CREDIT determine a student’s eligibility status for activities in the fall. To be eligible a student must have passed and earned credit in a minimum of four (4) courses for the year, at least two (2) of which are second semester.
If a student is ineligible for the fall on the basis of these criteria, reinstatement can occur only upon issuance of the next report card.