Looking to make connection with former classmates, want to know about the next planned class reunion, or want to convey some career information (category listed) for/to present students, please check these contact people at last given address:
These people want to hear from former classmates.
Do You Remember Me?
Yesterday… Like mintage spent, is past recall; Its echo dimmed beyond
time’s wall. Tomorrow… Is never promised earthly man, Nor does it often
fit a plan. Today… Is gold that covers hills and dell, And rich are they
who use it well. Pearl PhillipsSent to us by an alumna, Sarah (Coates) Burden, Class of 1992
Name | Class | E-mail Address | |
Paul M. Jones | (no class given) | michaelpauljones@mediaone.net | |
Carolyn J. (Gifford) Roberts | Class of 1956 | caroljroberts@cox.net | |
Stanley Bowers | Class of 1958 | bowcon@worldpath.net | |
Charles H. Sherman | Class of 1959 | CHSherman@hotmail.com | |
Dorothy (Sherman) Patenaude | Class of 1960 | DPDotty@aol.com | |
Richard M Calledare | Class of 1960 | RMCalledare@aol.com | |
Robert Dufault | Class of 1961 | rdufault44@yahoo.com | |
Sally(Smith) Defina/ Stephen Defina | Class of 1961 | Sarabigsal13@aol.com | |
Charles J. Martin | Class of 1962 | CJMartinPE@BldgTech.com | |
John R. Cherkowski | Class of 1962 | Cherkowskis@yahoo.com | |
Dennis R. (Dee) Hart | Class of 1962 | hartd@sec.gov | |
Donna (Doucette) Flanagan | Class of 1963 | dhflanagan@gmail.com | |
Jim King | Class of 1963 | jkingusnfr@aol.com | |
Sandy Ebinger | Class of 1963 | S_Ebinger@hotmail.com | |
Sheila (Ebinger) Noble | Class of 1963 | SheilaandLee@aol.com | |
Michael Hopkins | Class of 1963 | mhopkins735@charter.net | |
Mary Choo Choo Davis Southall | Class of 1964 | m.southall@att.net | |
James (Jim) Colton | Class of 1965 | colton_2@msn.com | |
John Roane | Class of 1965 | roane4@comcast.net | |
Maureen Fortier Piermatteo | Class of 1965 | tonymo67@cox.net | |
Norris E. (Ned) Dow | Class of 1965 | yank51@hotmail.com | |
Arthur R. Flagg, jr. | Class of 1966 | flaggee@msn.com | |
Cathy Cuneo Turpin | Class of 1966 | sportmom@sierranet.net | |
Jo-Ann Lightfoot | Class of 1966 | jolightfoot@comcast.net | |
Regina (Gina) Cherkowski | Class of 1966 | ermine102@yahoo.com | |
John Jarek | Class of 1967 | johnjarek@excite.com | |
Doreene (Bland) Wood | Class of 1968 | ddwood@sbcglobal.net | |
George Sherman | Class of 1969 | 1sthomebuilder@sbcglobal.net | |
Nancy (Kent) Ringwood | Class of 1969 | nringwood@aol.com | |
Bill Smith | Class of 1970 | smithwhs@msn.com | |
Bob Gould sr. | Class of 1970 | boston@seidata.com | |
Diane (Cielakie) Quenell | Class of 1970 | hollyq3@yahoo.com | |
Ed Beecher (Computer Art) | Class of 1970 | sloweddi@netscape.com | |
Lynn O’Hearn Murphy | Class of 1970 | irlmurph@comcast.net | |
Paul A. Wilson | Class of 1970 | nosliwap@aol.com | |
Bob Johnson | Class of 1971 | bojo@compuserve.com | |
Carol (Cushenette) Corrigan | Class of 1971 | cactjc@yahoo.com | |
Carl Patterson | Class of 1971 | rianeric@comcast.net | |
Dave Chrisstoffels Looking for Walter DeGraan |
Class of 1971 | jerrys2kid@yahoo.com | |
David Merrill | Class of 1971 | rvch1281@msn.com | |
Diane Mackey | Class of 1971 | dmackey00@comcast.net | |
Joanne LaVita | Class of 1971 | jode6107@hotmail.com | |
Katherine Delorey Morris | Class of 1971 | vanforkids@netzero.com | |
LeAnn ( D’Avanzo) Kahl | Class of 1971 | CourtnKim@aol.com | |
Martha (Wright) Foley | Class of 1971 | TC2118@aol.com | |
Mike Heider | Class of 1971 | Blakhatmike@yahoo.com | |
Patrick Morvan | Class of 1971 | morvan@mediaone.net | |
Paula (Gleason) McClard | Class of 1971 | macstoys@aol.com | |
Susan Royce(Drady) | Class of 1971 | SSeptemberbaby@aol.com | |
Cynthia (Poole) Hinxman | Class of 1971 | Crystalimp@aol.com | |
Diane Rossetti | Class of 1972 | midiane20024@aol.com | |
Lorraine A. King | Class of 1972 | LHern1123@aol.com | |
Bobby “EASTIE” Ascolillo | Class of 1973 | rascolillo@hotmail.com | |
John (Chris) Brunelle | Class of 1973 | Partytime@mva.net | |
Lisa (Colarusso) Talbot | Class of 1973 | donlisa@gsinet.net | |
Patricia (McCarthy) Rohdenburg | Class of 1973 | doctech@bellsouth.net | |
Michael Teixeira | Class of 1973 | Mteixe1037@comcast.net | |
Doreen Sylvia Dunlevy | Class of 1974 | d.dunlevy@comcast.net | |
Rick Beaver | Class of 1974 | Redwolf424@aol.com | |
Stephen Dunlevy | Class of 1974 | d.dunlevy@comcast.net | |
Tom Walsh | Class of 1974 | Thomas.walshjr@comcast.net | |
Anthony Gondola | Class of 1975 | acgna@comcast.net | |
Cheryl Silva | Class of 1975 | silva706@msn.com | |
Chuck Gosson | Class of 1975 | djgoose57@msn.com | |
Janet Guarente Chandonnet | Class of 1975 | Trekjan@aol.com | |
Jim Panzino | Class of 1975 | jpanzino@hotmail.com | |
Jim Swain | Class of 1975 | jswain@maine.rr.com | |
Joanne (Lambert) Lafreniere | Class of 1975 | Joannelafreniere@comcast.net | |
John “Chuck” Gosson | Class of 1975 | djgoose57@msn.com | |
Karen (Blood) Hall | Class of 1975 | khallfltax@hotmail.com | |
Lorraine (Hase) Libert | Class of 1975 | lorelibert@comcast.net | |
Ron Chandonnet | Class of 1975 | rchando1@aol.com | |
Stephen Hand | Class of 1975 | anpa3437@hotmail.com | |
Bob Martin | Class of 1976 | BobbyShred@aol.com | |
charlie s coins comics and cards | Class of 1976 | 58rcmf@landmarknet.net | |
Gerri Perkins | Class of 1976 | gerri.perkins@alcan.com | |
Katie (McLaighlin) Donovan | Class of 1976 | TAN4321@aol.com | |
Patricia (Campbell) Taylor | Class of 1976 | BePrepared8788@aol.com | |
Bob Bangs | Class of 1977 | info@unclebobsbeefjerky.com | |
Eric Woodworth | Class of 1977 | crsownr@gloryroad.net | |
Janet(Friedman) Davis | Class of 1977 | jdavis4043@aol.com | |
Lisa Marie Chanely {DeLeon} | Class of 1977 | CaringHart@aol.com | |
Michael Terry | Class of 1977 | michael@terry.net | |
Peter A. Bazzinotti | Class of 1977 | pbazzinotti@harbormgmt.com | |
Sharon (Foley) Scondras | Class of 1977 | SHAFOSC@AOL.COM | |
Brian S. Wolfe | Class of 1978 | BrianWolfePl@aol.com | |
Bruce Kling | Class of 1978 | bwkling@hotmail.com | |
David Masker | Class of 1978 | dmmasker@nemr.net | |
David K. Small | Class of 1978 | just4dks@yahoo.com | |
Denise A. (DeVlaminck) Ryan | Class of 1978 | forgottenvintage@comcast.net | |
Diane (Gacek) Brown | Class of 1978 | dbrown250@comcast.net | |
Greg Cassidy | Class of 1978 | gregcassidy222@gmail.com | |
Patti Scott | Class of 1978 | phscott@myfairpoint.net | |
Doreen (Grady) Townsend | Class of 1979 | dortownsend@comcast.net | |
Guy Indelicato | Class of 1979 (Class Contact) |
guyindelicato@hotmail.com | |
John F. Copeland | Class of 1979 | johnfcopeland@yahoo.com | |
Karen (Adams) Murfin | Class of 1979 | kamurfin@yahoo.com | |
Patricia (Kerber) Karas | Class of 1979 | TotNTyk@aol.com | |
Roberta Pentz Kondry | Class of 1979 | Rkondry@telequipcorp.com | |
Ruth (Bennett) Ledoux | Class of 1979 | ruledoux@hotmail.com | |
Terri (Penney) Burgos | Class of 1979 | Tburgos@ptd.net | |
Cathy (Brady) Costa | Class of 1980 | ccosta61@yahoo.com | |
Cathy Synan | Class of 1980 but moved after 8th grade | Cathy.loiselle@yahoo.com | |
Cheryl (Corbett) Welch | Class of 1980 but moved after 6th grade | VinnChe@aol.com | |
Cindy Patch | Class of 1980 | akitafriend63@hotmail.com | |
Debra Graney | Class of 1980 | djgraney@comcast.net | |
Diane (Thayer) Andrews | Class of 1980 | dandrews@criver.com | |
Doreen (Gacek) Key | Class of 1980 | doreenkey@keywebsolutions.net | |
Doug Tremlett | Class of 1980 | bdtrem@yahoo.com | |
Eric Davis | Class of 1980 | bones1962@att.net | |
Gardner Hague | Class of 1980 | ogmonkey2000@yahoo.com | |
Joanne (Callahan) Foley | Class of 1980 | kecosero@juno.com | |
Laurie (Payne) Watkins | Class of 1980 | mlwatkins@adelphia.net | |
Linda (Masker) Harrison | Class of 1980 | PiscesLMH@aol.com | |
Laurie (Payne) Watkins | Class of 1980 | mlwatkins@adelphia.net | |
Richard Carty | Class of 1980 | rcartyjr@comcast.net | |
Scott McMillen | Class of 1980 | scottbmw@verizon.net | |
Sharon (Andrews) Sheehan | Class of 1980 | Timsharon@aol.com | |
Lisa MacInnes Healey | Class of 1981 | smacca@groovystylie.com | |
R. Michael Mara | Class of 1981 but moved after 11th grade | RM.Mara@yahoo.com | |
Stephanie (Chase) Wilson | Class of 1981 but moved after 8th grade | whitestole@gmail.com | |
Tim Sheehan | Class of 1981 | Timsharon@aol.com | |
Tina A. (Mamakos) Nichols | Class of 1981 | tnichols@chi.navtech.com | |
Barbara Doyle | Class of 1982 | barbdoyle64@aol.com | |
Jody Frederico | Class of 1982 | jclegg1st@aol.com | |
Kevin Hanson | Class of 1982 | Lgh2ok@yahoo.com | |
Mark Indelicato | Class of 1982 | markindelicato@yahoo.com | |
Michael Skidmore | Class of 1982 | michael.skidmore@comcast.net | |
Patty Ferreira Merryfield | Class of 1982 | pjmerryfield@hotmail.com | |
R. Scott Drysdale | Class of 1982 (but moved Junior Year) | rscottdrysdale@yahoo.com | |
Stephen Hampe | Class of 1982 | sphampe@aol.com | |
Brenda Bennett | Class of 1982 | bbennett@insulet.com | |
Buddy Acritelli | Class of 1983 | bacritelli@hotmail.com | |
Christine Rosano | Class of 1983 | crosano737@comcast.net | |
Cheryl (Stott) Casey | Class of 1983 | CCasey60@aol.com | |
Dianne (Carroll) Nolin | Class of 1983 | tmhsreunion83@aol.com | |
Glenn Maley | Class of 1983 | geep@themaleys.com | |
James Indelicato | Class of 1983 | carshopjim@aol.com | |
Lloyd L. Corricelli | Class of 1983 | RoninEnt1@aol.com | |
Peter Langlois | Class of 1983 | Pete.Langlois@rhi.com | |
Kathy (Montejunas) Dugas | Class of 1983 | kat30s@yahoo.com | |
David McInnis | Class of 1984 | HeyDave214@yahoo.com | |
Ginny Rogers | Class of 1984 | TMHS84@yahoo.com | |
Joey Seluk | Class of 1984 | joeseluk@capitalcitylimousine-nh.com | |
Kathy (Murphy) Hickmon | Class of 1984 | kathy-hickmon@flyawayinc.com | |
Rochelle (Baron) McConologue | Class of 1984 | A.McConologue@comcast.net | |
Tony Autiello | Class of 1984 | aautiello@motorola.com | |
Brian Dick | Class of 1985 | redmenra@comcast.net | |
Gina (DeVivo) Swain | Class of 1985 | gina@swainsailing.com | |
Lisa (Hanke) Rancourt | Class of 1985 | larancourt@charter.net | |
Lisa Riss | Class of 1985 | lisalisa1@mindspring.com | |
Tracy (Stratis) Callahan | Class of 1985 | gtfamily@comcast.net | |
Colleen (Doherty) McManus | Class of 1986 | ccmcmanus@comcast.net | |
Cheri (Murray) Smith | Class of 1986 | casmith5683@hotmail.com | |
Donna (Graney) Tziolis | Class of 1986 | MOUZI3@AOL.COM | |
Doug Haslam | Class of 1986 | dougandpam@attbi.com | |
Elizabeth (Busch) Bennett | Class of 1986 | ebennett@gltech.org | |
Joe Weser | Class of 1986 | youthmin@yahoo.com | |
Lori Galvin | Class of 1986 | loriag1968@yahoo.com | |
Patty Perkins | Class of 1986 | joan.pat@mindspring.com | |
Sheila Sullivan | Class of 1986 | ssullivan98@juno.com | |
Suzanne (Downey) McLaughlin and Mike McLaughlin |
Class of 1986 | mike.sue.mac@comcast.net | |
Tanya Chase | Class of 1986 | chase_tanya@yahoo.com | |
Kelly Staples | Class of 1987 | kstaples@partners.org | |
Kerri Beaulieu-Janocha | Class of 1987 | kjanocha@maine.rr.com | |
Michael T. Fitzpatrick | Class of 1987 | fitzdoctor@aol.com | |
Mike Ranger | Class of 1987 | ranger@metrocast.net | |
Rick Frederickson | Class of 1987 | fds_6027@hotmail.com | |
Chris Mader | Class of 1988 | clydesdale7cm@hotmail.com | |
Christina Frotten | Class of 1988 | chrissy45859@yahoo.com | |
Christina (LoNigro) Lazrak | Class of 1988 | Christina@LazrakHomes.com | |
Kathy (Cooke) Vassil | Class of 1988 | KVassil@comcast.net | |
Keith Nicholson | Class of 1988 | nicholnet@yahoo.com | |
Justine (Short) Abram | Class of 1988 | justabram@msn.com or abramjl@shands.ufl.edu | |
Lori (Fitzsimmons) Mikesell | Class of 1988 | belbrax@msn.com | |
Robin Swain-Strazza | Class of 1988 | robinstrazza@yahoo.com | |
Roy Kinzler | Class of 1988 | ROOWAH1@AOL.COM | |
Sharon (Burke) Gotham | Class of 1988 | tri2rest@aol.com | |
Stephen Scott | Class of 1988 | sscott00@yahoo.com | |
Steve Vassil | Class of 1988 | SVassil@comcast.net | |
Donna (Brooks) Rondolet | Class of 1989 | donna.rondolet@gmail.com | |
Joan (Scott) Carter | Class of 1989 | Grtzkyone@comcast.net | |
Kristen (Swain) Davis | Class of 1989 | kristen.sd@cox.net | |
Lisa (Lindgren) Marcotte | Class of 1989 | LLMarcotte@aol.com | |
Patrick McCaffery | Class of 1989 | pmccaff@aol.com | |
Sonia Dickson | Class of 1989 | KeroRocks@aol.com | |
Bob Payne | Class of 1989 | rtpayne1@verizon.net | |
Angela (Gardner) Sullivan | Class of 1990 | angelagsullivan@yahoo.com | |
Carole Delahaye | Class of 1990 | caroldelahaye@hotmail.com | |
Chris Dick | Class of 1990 | cdickmail@yahoo.com | |
Chris Seichter | Class of 1990 | cseichter@hotmail.com | |
Eric Mueller | Class of 1990 | sox24dewey@yahoo.com | |
Jennifer L.( Gilligan) Twombly | Class 0f 1990 | gilligan@gwu.edu | |
John Caramanis | Class of 1990 | sunfire@mediaone.net | |
Matthew Boucher | Class of 1990 | texasbouchers@yahoo.com | |
Marc Mercuri | Class of 1990 | mmercuri@microsoft.com | |
Michael Craven | Class of 1990 | Micheal@coalesce.org | |
Robert Marshall | Class of 1990 | rmarshall@kronos.com | |
Ted Fazio | Class of 1990 | salfazio@comcast.net | |
Bonnie (Bailey) Chesley | Class of 1991 | bonniechesley@msn.com | |
Mike Kaminski | Class of 1991 | kaminskim@middlesex.mass.edu | |
Raymundo Mejia Guadalupe Nuevo León; México. |
Class of 1992 | raymejia@hotmail.com or ramejia@elnorte.com.mx | |
Sarah Burden (Coates) Lima, Ohio |
Class of 1992 | asburden@juno.com | |
Dat Nguyen | Class of 1993 | peasofme@yahoo.com | |
Don Geoffrion | Class of 1993 | don1_22000@yahoo.com | |
Jay MacKey | Class of 1993 | mackey1717@yahoo.com | |
Stacy Stoddard | Class of 1993 | sdevin303@aol.com | |
Todd Casparius | Class of 1993 | toddcasparius@hotmail.com | |
Thomas Sinclair | Class of 1994 | tsinclair66@attbi.com | |
Alyssa Daigle | Class of 1995 (Reunion Contact) | alyssadaigle@comcast.net | |
Diana Lynn Snyder (Kondoleon) | Class of 1995 | dlk_snyder@yahoo.com | |
Jennifer Manfra | Class of 1995 | jennydancer26@yahoo.com | |
Brian Crovo | Class of 1996 | brian@briancrovo.com | |
Heidi Meharg | Class of 1996 | heidimeharg@yahoo.com | |
Matt Casparius | Class of 1996 | mrpa@massrecandpark.org | |
Melissa Santos (Gasbarro) | Class of 1996 | Melissa_santos@verizon.net | |
Paula Hogenmiller (Graziano | Class of 1996 | phogenmi@stetson.edu | |
Mary (Ryan) Reitano | Class of 1997 | mmkiley852@aol.com | |
Scott Ringwood | Class of 1997 | frehley4life@yahoo.com | |
Christina Coviello | Class of 1998 | ccoviello04@aol.com | |
Erin Gilchrist Timbrel | Class of 1998 | curly3375@yahoo.com | |
Kerry Jenkins | Class of 2000 | kjenkins08@hotmail.com | |
Ariana Ford | Class of 2001 | ari.warehousedmb@gmail.com | |
Adrienne Lefebvre | Class of 2004 | lefebvre.adrienne@gmail.com | |
Jessica Naun | Class of 2009 | j.naun@live.com | |
Priscilla (Fossett) Clements | Class of 1970 | cilla88@comcast.net | |
To be included on this listing, send information to: | |||
Mailing Address: TMHS Alumni Association, 320 Pleasant Street, Tewksbury, MA 01876 |
Announcements of Alumni Reunions
Tewksbury Memorial High School Class of 1980 website is http://www.tmhsclassof1980.com