College Application General Information for Class of 2025:
There are 173 students in the Class of 2025 as of September 2024.
TMHS School CEEB Code is 222130
TMHS address is 320 Pleasant St, Tewksbury, MA 01876
TMHS does not use Class Rank, but you can ask your counselor or Ms. Fronduto for what percentage of the class you fall in (i.e. top 10%, top 25%, lower 50%, etc.).
As the school year starts up again, this is a reminder to use the 11th Grade Future Planning Classroom whenever you have questions this summer about how to prepare for college applications in the fall. The College Planning Guide, the college essay prompts, the Junior Presentation, the Getting To Know You questionnaire, and the Resume-Writing Workshop are all posted there to guide you through the process.
Remember, many schools will be SAT optional for the 2024-2025 application cycle. However, if you would like to take the SAT either because 1) a school you are interested in applying to requires it, or 2) you are an excellent test-taker and you believe your score will add value to your application, make sure you sign up for an exam in October.
We do not have plans to offer an SAT at TMHS in 2024-2025!
Go to this link, to view a slide show that will give you helpful tips when filling out the Common App!
Don’t forget to check out the College Corner section of this website for the latest news from colleges as well as some school specific scholarship opportunities.
Outside College Visits / Military Duties
Students are encouraged to visit colleges and perform military-related duties during non-school hours, but we understand that this is not always possible. Any senior wishing to have the designation of ‘school business’ (SB) on their daily attendance when meeting with a college representative outside of TMHS during school hours MUST complete the form found in the Guidance office at least AND provide documentation prior to and after the visit.
These forms are to be used when meeting with an individual (i.e. admissions rep, coach, financial advisor). They are not to be used for school tours.
Make sure your Naviance Account is updated and active. College applications will be done online through Naviance whenever possible.
General Scholarships are now available on the Scholarship Page of this website or by picking up a hard-copy in the Career Center!!
School Specific Scholarships can be found on the individual school’s website. Many local schools are listed on the College Corner Page of this website. Please visit there for the latest news from these schools.
Please check the Guidance home page to find dates of visits (both virtual and in-person) by College representatives. You must pre-register through your Naviance account.