If you are applying for both private and federal financial aid, please complete the CSS Profile first, as the FAFSA form will input this data directly to their form.


Find the FAFSA form online. This form MUST be filled out for all colleges and universities if you are applying for Federal Financial Aid and scholarships.

Follow this link New FAFSA Information 2024-25 for information on the new FAFSA application which will be opening up on December 1.

The Massachusetts Department of Secondary Education has partnered with the nonprofit group uAspire to provide free support to students to help seniors complete their Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Please see the following link for more information uAspire Financial Aid Info


In addition to the required Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), many colleges and universities ALSO require the CSS/Profile Financial Aid Application. This is particularly true of private colleges and universities.
The CSS/Profile is basically a more detailed version of the FAFSA, asking more in-depth financial questions.  You can access the form at the following link:
File the CSS Profile form online. This form is required by most private colleges and universities if you are applying for private financial aid and scholarships.

Click to find Schools that require the CSS Profile

Tuition Break

This program is sponsored by the New England Board of Higher Education and is available to  residents of New England only!  It provides families with reduced tuition at certain state colleges and universities if the student’s program of study is not offered at his/her in-state schools.  Please go to their website and select Tuition Break from drop downs to get detailed information regarding associates, bachelors and graduate programs.

Brochures are also available in the Guidance Office Career Center.

College Funding for Students with Disabilities

Please click here to find information for Funding College if you are a student with a disability.  You will find general information as well as many scholarships and awards that are specifically available to students with disabilities.

Federal Loans

Sallie Mae : Sallie Mae loan information and a scholarship search.