1. Communicate effectively – Obtain information and present ideas in a clear, articulate manner.
1.1 Listening Actively: Student follows directions; identifies main ideas and supporting arguments; distinguishes between fact and opinion; draws supportable conclusions; and recognizes the viewpoints of others.
1.1a. Student follows oral directions.
4 – Listener consistently follows clear multi step instructions; seeks clarification when necessary; and generalizes instruction.
3 – Listener usually follows clear multi step instructions; seeks clarification when necessary.
2 – Listener sometimes follows clear multi step instructions, but generally needs instructions repeated and is reluctant to ask for clarification.
1 – Listener rarely follows multi step instructions; often requires assistance or needs to have instructions repeated before attempting to carry them out, and does not ask for clarification.
0 – No evidence
1.1b. Student listens attentively.
4 – Listener consistently identifies main ideas and supporting arguments; distinguishes between face and opinion; draws supportable conclusions.
3 – Listener generally identifies main ideas and supporting arguments; distinguishes between face and opinion; draws supportable conclusions.
2 – Listener sometimes identifies main ideas and supporting arguments; distinguishes between face and opinion; draws supportable conclusions.
1 – Listener rarely identifies main ideas and supporting arguments; distinguishes between face and opinion; draws supportable conclusions.
0 – No evidence
1.1c. Student recognizes the viewpoint of others.
4 – Listener consistently recognizes differing and challenging viewpoints in a responsible manner as evident through his/her physical and oral responses.
3 – Listener generally recognizes differing and challenging viewpoints in a responsible manner as evident through his/her physical and oral responses.
2 – Listener sometimes recognizes differing and challenging viewpoints in a responsible manner as evident through his/her physical and oral responses.
1 – Listener fails to recognizes differing and challenging viewpoints in a responsible manner as evident through his/her physical and oral responses.
0 – No evidence
1.2 Reading: Student follows directions; identifies main ideas and
supporting arguments; distinguishes between fact and opinion; draws supportable conclusions; and recognizes the viewpoints of others.
1.2a. Student follows written directions.
4 – Reader consistently follows clear multi step instructions; seeks clarification when necessary; and generalizes instruction.
3 – Reader usually follows clear multi step instructions; seeks clarification when necessary; and generalizes instruction.
2 – Reader sometimes follows clear multi step instructions; seeks clarification when necessary; and generalizes instruction.
1 – Reader rarely follows clear multi step instructions; seeks clarification when necessary; and generalizes instruction.
0 – No evidence
1.2b. Student reads attentively.
4 – Reader consistently identifies main ideas and supporting arguments; distinguishes between fact and opinion; draws supportable conclusions.
3 – Reader generally identifies main ideas and supporting arguments; distinguishes between fact and opinion; draws supportable conclusions.
2 – Reader sometimes identifies main ideas and supporting arguments; distinguishes between fact and opinion; draws supportable conclusions.
1 – Reader rarely identifies main ideas and supporting arguments; distinguishes between fact and opinion; draws supportable conclusions.
0 – No evidence
1.2c. Student recognizes the viewpoints of others.
4 – Reader consistently recognizes differing and challenging viewpoints in a responsible manner as evident through his/her physical and oral responses.
3 – Reader generally recognizes differing and challenging viewpoints in a responsible manner as evident through his/her physical and oral responses.
2 – Reader sometimes recognizes differing and challenging viewpoints in a responsible manner as evident through his/her physical and oral responses.
1 – Reader fails to recognizes differing and challenging viewpoints in a responsible manner as evident through his/her physical and oral responses.
0 – No evidence
1.3 Speaking: Student presents/delivers information that reflects a
sense of audience and uses relevant visual enhancements.
1.3a. Student presents/delivers information.
4 – Speaker effectively establishes a genuine rapport with the audience by speaking clearly and expressively with varied volume and pace and clear enunciation. Student uses continual eye contact, good posture, natural gestures, effective movements and appropriate dress to enhance the presentation.
3 – Speaker establishes a good rapport with the audience by speaking clearly with varied volume and pace, frequent eye contact and appropriate posture, natural gestures, effective movements and appropriate dress to enhance the presentation.
2 – Speaker establishes some rapport with the audience by speaking clearly and has occasional eye contact. Posture, gestures, dress and/or movements occasionally detract from the presentation.
1 – Speaker fails to establish a rapport with the audience.
0 – No evidence
1.3b Student uses relevant visual enhancements.
4 – Speaker effectively integrates suitable high-
quality audio and/or visual materials to explain or enhance the presentation.
3 – Speaker integrates good quality audio and/or visual materials to explain or enhance the presentation.
2 – Speaker uses adequate audio and/or visual materials in the presentation.
1 – Speaker fails to use adequate audio and/or visual materials in the presentation.
0 – No evidence
1.4 Writing: Student organizes, develops and connects ideas;
generally follows grammatical and mechanical rules; student’s knowledge or structure includes: a thesis, paragraph development, transitions, and a conclusion.
1.4a. Student follows grammatical and mechanical rules.
4 – Writing has a few minor, if any, errors relative to length and complexity.
3 – Writing has errors but is fundamentally sound relative to length and complexity.
2 – Writing has many errors that distract the reader; but main ideas are coherent.
1 – Writing has errors that are so frequent that they confuse the reader.
0 – No evidence
1.4b. Student organizes ideas.
4 – Writing contains compelling opening, strong informative body, satisfying conclusion forward progression of ideas, and clear transitions. Reader can effortlessly follow the piece.
3 – Writing contains a strong introduction, body, and conclusion. Writing moves forward either by sequence or transitions.
2 – Writing is coherent. Either beginning, middle, or end is missing or is weak. Transitions are poor, or don’t always move sequentially.
1 – Writing lacks an introduction, conclusion, or both. Progression of ideas is difficult or impossible to follow. Piece stops and starts. Transitions are missing.
0 – No evidence
1.4c Student develops and connects ideas.
4 – Details support topic and advance the focus. Main ideas are extensively and evenly supported by specific details or examples. Details are effective, vivid, and pertinent and are developed in depth.
3 – Details support topic and are appropriate to the focus. Main ideas are supported by specific details or examples.
2 – Details “tell but do not show”. Although appropriate to the topic, details provide only surface elaboration, listing, or basic reporting of information. Details lack elaboration or are repetitious. Few, if any, ideas are developed.
1 – Details provide minimal information and do not help the reader develop an understanding of the topic. Main ideas are unclear and rarely supported. Details are random, inappropriate, unrelated, vague, or barely apparent.
0 – No evidence
1.5 Technology: Student uses computer technology where appropriate.
1.5a. Student locates information.
4 – Student independently uses appropriate technology to locate, retrieve, and store information.
3 – Student needs minimal assistance to use appropriate technology to locate, retrieve, and store information.
2 – Student needs moderate assistance to use appropriate technology to locate, retrieve, and store information.
1 – Student needs considerable assistance to use appropriate technology to locate, retrieve, and store information.
0 – No evidence
1.5b. Student uses software programs.
4 – Student has the ability to effectively use four types of software, including word processing, spreadsheets, databases and presentation software.
3 – Student has the ability to effectively use three types of software, including word processing, spreadsheets, databases or presentation software.
2 – Student has the ability to effectively use two types of software, including word processing, spreadsheets, databases or presentation software.
1 – Student cannot effectively use multiple software programs.
0 – No evidence
1.5c. Student communicates information.
4 – Student demonstrates the skills needed to operate many forms of technology to create and communicate written, visual, oral and/or multimedia presentations.
3 – Student demonstrates the skills needed to operate several forms of technology to create and communicate written, visual, oral and/or multimedia presentations.
2 – Student demonstrates the skills needed to operate some forms of technology to create and communicate written, visual, oral and/or multimedia presentations.
1 – Student has difficulty using technology to communicate.
0 – No evidence
2. Solve complex problems – Assess and solve multi-step as well as multi-faceted problems, using appropriate problem solving methods and higher order thinking skills.
2.1 Student defines a problem, locates resources, formulates a sequence of steps to solve the problem, arrives at and verifies a reasonable solution to the problem.
2.1a. Student employs the problem solving process.
4 – Student independently defines a problem, locates resources, formulates a sequence of steps to solve the problem, arrives at and verifies a reasonable solution to the problem.
3 – Student with minimal assistance defines a problem, locates resources, formulates a sequence of steps to solve the problem, arrives at and verifies a reasonable solution to the problem.
2 – Student with moderate assistance defines a problem, locates resources, formulates a sequence of steps to solve the problem, arrives at and verifies a reasonable solution to the problem.
1 – Student is unable to employ the problem solving process.
0 – No evidence
2.2 Student demonstrates a working knowledge of the
concepts: compare, contrast, analyze, and evaluate. Student applies these concepts using prior knowledge and/or new information to respond appropriately to a given situation or problem.
2.2a. Student demonstrates a working knowledge of the concepts: compare, contrast, infer, analyze, and evaluate.
4 – Student demonstrates a through working knowledge of the concepts: compare, contrast, infer, analyze, and evaluate.
3 – Student demonstrates a substantial working knowledge of the concepts: compare, contrast, infer, analyze, and evaluate.
2 – Student demonstrates a partial working knowledge of the concepts: compare, contrast, infer, analyze, and evaluate.
1 – Student misunderstands the concepts: compare, contrast, infer, analyze, and evaluate.
0 – No evidence
2.2b. Student applies the concepts: compare, contrast, infer,
analyze, and evaluate using prior knowledge and/or new
information to respond appropriately to a given situation or
4 – Student is highly effective at applying the concepts: compare, contrast, infer, analyze, and evaluate and at using prior knowledge and/or new information to respond appropriately to a given situation or problem.
3 – Student is effective at applying the concepts: compare, contrast, infer, analyze, and evaluate and at using prior knowledge and/or new information to respond appropriately to a given situation or problem.
2 – Student is somewhat effective at applying the concepts: compare, contrast, infer, analyze, and evaluate and at using prior knowledge and/or new information to respond appropriately to a given situation or problem.
1 – Student is ineffective at applying the concepts.
0 – No evidence
3. Working with others toward a common goal – Accept personal responsibility and work independently in a group setting.
3.1 Student displays effective interpersonal skills; effectively performs a variety of roles within a group; acknowledges divergent views while cooperating to reach a common goal; and demonstrates and evaluates his/her contributions to the group.
3.1a. Student displays interpersonal skills.
4 – Student consistently displays interpersonal skills and acknowledges divergent views while cooperating to reach a common goal.
3 – Student generally displays interpersonal skills and acknowledges divergent views while cooperating to reach a common goal.
2 – Student occasionally displays interpersonal skills and acknowledges divergent views while cooperating to reach a common goal.
1 – Student rarely displays interpersonal skills and acknowledges divergent views while cooperating to reach a common goal.
0 – No evidence
3.1b. Student performs a variety of roles within a group.
4 – Student assumes various roles including a leadership role when needed.
3 – Student assumes various roles when needed.
2 – Student assumes various roles only when assigned.
1 – Student does not assume various roles within a group.
0 – No evidence
3.1c. Student evaluates his/her contributions to the group.
4 – Student consistently demonstrates an understanding of his/her contributions to the group and/or is always accurate in his/her self-assessment.
3 – Student generally demonstrates an understanding of his/her contributions to the group and/or is frequently accurate in his/her self-assessment.
2 – Student occasionally demonstrates an understanding of his/her contributions to the group and/or is sometimes accurate in his/her self-assessment.
1 – Student rarely demonstrates an understanding of his/her contributions to the group and/or is rarely accurate in his/her self-assessment.
0 – No evidence