Dewing Families turn out for PAC McTeacher Night
0 Comments/in Uncategorized/by Terry GerrishDewing Staff members were all smiles as they greeted Dewing students and their families at PAC Dine-Out night at the McDonald’s near Oakdale Plaza on November 6th.
Many thanks to Robyn Hakala, Mary Lazzara, Heather Grace, Denise Sokolowski, Joanne Garvey, Cheryl Barnes, Joanne Evangelista, Stacey Finnegan, Ann Mary Theisen, Amanda Reardon, Teresa Molea, Sarah Gillotte, Amanda McCarthy, Shelley Wrobel, Sarah Yore, Beth Daley and Jan Fuller.
0 Comments/in Uncategorized/by Terry GerrishGood morning Dewing families,
We are fortunate to have complete power and a facility ready for our staff and students to return to this morning.
Our friends and colleagues at the Heath Brook School are not as lucky. There is still no power at that school.
We have made the decision to combine classes with the folks at Heath Brook today. Their staff and students will be arriving by bus shortly after the start to the school day, and will remain with us for the day, or until power is restored at the Heath Brook, whichever comes first. Almost all K, 1, and 2 classrooms will share their space with a class and teacher from Heath Brook. We’ve adjusted our master schedule, including lunches and recess (thank goodness we can go outside to play!), plus specialists.
It’s going to be a bit cozy, so we’ve decided to postpone K – 2 Halloween celebrations until tomorrow (hoping that our Heath Brook colleagues and friends will be back at their school by then). I apologize to the disruption to the schedules of parents who were planning to come to the Dewing today – I’m trying to simplify things as much as possible.
Please be patient with us, as some of our routines are bound to be changed a bit today. It may take us a bit more time to respond – but together we will make a fun memory for our children.
Safety Drill successful
0 Comments/in Uncategorized/by Terry GerrishTewksbury Fire Department conducted the first fire/evacuation drill of the year this morning at the Dewing. All students and teachers did a wonderful job being safe, and we got an ‘A’ for our good work.

Loella F. Dewing
1469 Andover Street
Tewksbury, MA 01876
Fax: 978-640-7862