1 Griffin Way
Tewksbury, MA 01876
From Boston: Take 93 North to Dascomb Road, Exit 42. Take a left off the exit and follow Dascomb Rd. for approximately .4 miles and take a left onto Shawsheen Street. Follow Shawsheen Street for about 2.5 miles. At the traffic light, take a right onto Main Street (Rt 38). Follow Main Street (Rt. 38) for about a mile and turn right onto Victor Drive where Wilmington Transmission is located. Wynn Middle School is located at end of Victor Drive.
From 495: Take exit 38 (Rt. 38) towards Tewksbury. Stay on Rt. 38 (Main St) for approximately 3.5 miles and turn left onto Victor Drive at the set of lights where Wilmington Transmission is located. Wynn Middle School is located at end of Victor Drive.
Also contact main office at 978-640-7847
If using GPS or Mapquest, enter 70 Victor Drive as the address. Our address of 1 Griffin Way often leads to misinformation when using computer based programs.