Under the provision of both the EVERY STUDENT SUCCEEDS ACT and TITLE ONE regulations, if your family meets the low income limits under the law, (free or reduced lunch), your child is entitled to receive supplemental services (tutoring) after the regular school day.

A federal waiver also allows Tewksbury to use Title One funds to improve teaching and learning for the district’s most needy students.  These services can be provided within the school district by highly qualified staff.  All additional services are provided after regular school hours.

Questions regarding the above may be directed to:


Ms. Felicia Cenanovic, Title I Director
Tewksbury Public Schools
139 Pleasant Street
Tewksbury, MA  01876
978-640-7800, Ext. 5024
Click on the following for a link to the Title 1 Presentation.
 CES, Ryan & Wynn