Welcome! The Heath Brook School Parent Advisory Council, or PAC, is a non-profit, volunteer-run organization dedicated to enhancing the educational experiences of all Heath Brook students.
What We Do
- Host monthly evening meetings
- Publish a weekly e-mail newsletter of PAC and school-related activities – Click here for updated information.
- Respond to questions sent to heathbrookpac@gmail.com
- Maintain the following social media channels:
Providing our students with both in-school and off-site educational experiences to supplement their classroom learning
- Educational Field Trips, such as Franklin Park Zoo and local Children’s Museums
- In-School Hands-On Experiences, such as Top Secret Science
- Assembly Presentations, such as “Sheryl Faye presents Historical Women”, author/illustrator Scott Magoon, the Tanglewood Marionettes, and Johnny the K
To Support our schools and to fund our enrichment programs and various social and school events, we utilize a variety of fundraisers throughout the school year.
- Square 1 Art
- Scholastic Book Fairs
- Fun Run
- Dine Outs Nights
- Savers FUNdrive
Social Events
To bring families together and promote a sense of belonging without our Heath Brook community
- Playground Socials
- Halloween event
- Holiday Hoopla
- Ice Cream Socials
- BOKS before-school
Community Events
To support our community town-wide and foster a sense of cross-town collaboration
- Tewksbury Food Pantry Drive
- End of Year Social in coordination with TPD
Benefits of Being Involved
- Advocacy for Parents and Students
- Support to Heath Brook Teachers, Staff, and Administration
- Being an Active Part of Your Child’s Educational Experience
How You Can Get Involved
- Sign Up to Receive PAC e-mails
- Send an e-mail with “Add Me” in subject line to heathbrookpac@gmail.com
- Attend and Participate in PAC sponsored events
- Stay Informed by Using Friends of Heath Brook PAC
- Attend PAC Meetings When You Can
- Offer Suggestions
- Volunteer to Help with PAC Events and Activities
The best way to get connected is through volunteering. Volunteering comes in many forms. There are a variety of opportunities that fit all skill sets and schedules. You can volunteer as much or as little as you like. Learn more about volunteer opportunities on our PAC Website.
“Above all, remember why you are doing this. It’s for the kids and the school. You can’t go wrong if you keep them first.”
24-25 Heath Brook PAC leadership team:Co-Chairs: Missy Ryan, Colleen Marfione, Tracey O’Brien
Treasurer – Shayla Neffendorf (We are looking for someone to serve as an Asst. Treasurer. Interested? Let Shayla or one of the chairs know.)
Secretary – Tricia Granada